Gathering Light
Illuminate me
I stand before you innocent as a child
with my arms wide open
ready to receive the light you offer
You are the truth of a cliff’s edge
and the laughter of a daisy
You are wild as geese in flight
and gentle as an old oak
You are full to overflowing
With Love
~ Kim McElroy
Sportie’s owner sent me a few snapshots for his portrait. This one caught my attention even though the photo was taken at a distance. When I enlarged it, I was amazed at how many colors I could see in the shades of light and shadow of Sportie’s white coat. I saw in my mind’s eye rays of light radiating out from his mane. The title came to me as a way of describing how I felt the light was emanating from him rather than the source of light being around him. His playful spirit had infused the painting with light.