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Writer's pictureKim McElroy

Believing in Magic

The Creation of “Magic and Me” ~ a Portrait Made in Heaven

Each portrait I create is like putting together the most quintessential elements of a puzzle. Often it represents the best and most beautiful expression of someone's life journey with their horse. Sometimes a portrait is created after a horse has passed away, and the photographs are all that their owner has to remember them by. Whether the horse is in someone’s life, or on the other side, my soul essence portraits are intuitively guided by the spirit of the horse to help make their love for their horse tangible.

Reference photo of Magic

Jan's Story of Magic

Jan wrote, “He was so strong, powerful, and forward moving that he could bring tears to my eyes with his power and presence. We were so connected and seemed to know each other’s thoughts.  We had so much fun together. We often took turns deciding which turns to take on a trail because we both just so enjoyed being on trail.  He and I trusted each other fully and I very appreciated his personality and sense of adventure.  We were a great match.  He actually chose me which was a moving and amazing experience for me.  I think that is why we were so deeply connected. He was everything I could have ever wished for from a friend and partner. I am so grateful for his trust, presence and love and the sheer joy he brought to my life.  He was truly a blessing.  It makes me tear up whenever I think of just how special this horse and our relationship is. He was 13 when he came into my life and I had him until he was 31 when just two days after our ride he suddenly became ill and passed."

Jan's photo of riding Magic in the Cornish countryside became the inspiration for the mountain scene

Insights and Visions

For his commissioned portrait I did a shamanic journey with Magic. I saw Magic’s spirit present with Jan in her home and I sensed he was still very close by. The feeling was the land and his life with her was his heaven on earth. I pictured Jan riding him and I felt he missed having her as a riding partner, being physical, and the exhilaration that comes from exertion. I saw him as intrinsically a part of the landscape. I had a strong sense that I needed to paint Jan riding Magic. Sometimes I am reticent to create a person’s likeness in their horse’s portrait, but in some instances, it is the best way to tell the story. Jan and Magic’s story had a lot to do with their joy of riding together. Riding represented their connection and sense of home.

Fortunately Jan had taken many photographs and videos of Magic and their riding adventures so I had some wonderful references to choose from. I had a lot of creative problem solving to improve the proportions of the photo to his proper anatomy, and also to capture light and details of his coat coloring and to bring his images to life.

Photo reference of Jan and Magic “He was so strong, powerful, and forward moving that he could bring tears to my eyes with his power and presence."

Signs and Synchronicities

I sent Jan an email that night recounting my vision for the portrait. With the time difference she didn’t read the email until the next morning. She called me to share an amazing synchronicity. That night she’d had her second dream about him since he had passed over two years before. In the dream she was riding Magic, just like in my vision of them together. Jan said "I related this dream to the dream message about him I had soon after he passed. Both were of him as a free and happy horse, but in this dream, I was on his back, and we were together as partners again on a ride like no earthly ride allows!  I was stunned by how amazing it felt even in the dream. I realized in the dream I didn’t feel or hear any hoof beats, and so I looked back and down to see his rear feet and I realized we were walking on air. "

Creating the spirit veil vision between our world and the next

The smaller images of Jan riding Magic, his tack and features, and Jan's face in the blurry photograph

challenged my nimble fingers to create the detail with tiny pieces of pastel.

Detail of Jan and Magic - Just like in Jan's dream, he is walking on air.

Magic had even more in store for us. Before I started the portrait Jan and I talked on a Zoom call. We planned the call for May 5th. Our internet connection was disrupted, so in order to call her back I needed to look up her phone number on her portrait questionnaire. When I opened the document and read the first few lines I got chills. On her questionnaire she had written. “Passed away 5/5/2022” It was two years ago to the day we were talking about his portrait. We both knew this wasn’t a coincidence. It was Magic!

Detail of Magic's Eye. I drew an entirely different eye since the photo reference had too much reflection and didn't convey the emotion

Jan celebrated her portrait by unveiling it live on a Zoom call with me and a gathering of her friends and loved ones who had all known and loved Magic. What a beautiful way to start a new chapter of loving Magic. Horses bring us together, and the loving never stops.

Pastel "Magic and Me" by Kim McElroy

Jan’s comments about the portrait

The colors are so true to life and so beautiful. I get a feeling of connection and peace when I look at the portrait.  I love seeing his large, physical presence that also captures his kindness. There is such a feeling of connection and love that you captured that I find so comforting. In addition to the visual presence, it is also the scope of what the portrait captures.  It has so many layers to it which one can really appreciate as you get closer to it.  There is Magic of course, but there is the image of me riding him which shows his beautiful conformation and captures the experiences we both loved the most, trail riding in the beautiful countryside of Cornish. I love the transparency in the mane and top line to the mountains, and the New England fall foliage colors. You captured it all! I also enjoy people's reaction to the portrait. It is unique and one of a kind, as it should be because he was, and you sure are too! Thank you again for accepting us for one of your amazing portraits.  It has been a real privilege, and I will enjoy this masterpiece for the remainder of my years.

Upon Reflection

My friend Susan echoed my feelings when she wrote, “I don't even know them, but your painting shows me who they were together and allows me to feel how special their relationship and bond was and continues to be. What I feel in the painting is not only the past, but the present and future. It's an ongoing journey no matter what form they take. I really think it's the "transparent" piece that takes it to the next level. Their story together is revealed in that small space suggesting walking between both worlds, the "thin place". When I tap visually onto that part of the painting, my heart catches in that moment. It is the crux of the painting where all is revealed the minute your eyes land on it. Then it becomes not just their story, but everyone's story who has ever loved another so much, it transcends time and physicality."


Synchronicities and works of art remind us that our beloved ones are still with us on the other side of the veil. When I shared my vision of Magic with Jan, I also told her that he conveyed to me that when its her time to pass, that she wouldn't need to call him, he will be waiting to carry her home.

Kim with the framed portrait of "Magic and Me"

62 views2 comments


Dec 06, 2024

This is so beautiful, Kim. I love your intuitions and seeing the process which results from the "encouragements of the universe". Such a beautiful soul!


Denise N
Denise N
Dec 04, 2024

Wow, I love this!

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